CF226X,26X High Yield Black Premium USA Remanufactured Brand Toner
Product Information Our Premium USA Remanufactured Brand High Yield Black CF226X toner works in the HP printer models M402,M402dn,M402n,M402d,M402dw,M426,M426dw,M426fdw,M426fdn. The CF226X toner is a replacement to the brand name HP toner and is NOT a new OEM toner.
The Premium USA Remanufactured Brand High Yield Black CF226X toners are sold at a significantly lower rate than OEM HP toners. A new OEM HP toner can be double the price of our Premium USA Remanufactured CF226X . Our goal is to offer a superior product with better components, more copies, and less leaking than others supplies in our industry, which is why our premium remanufactured toners are offered as a low-cost, quality alternative.
Tonerstore's Premium USA Remanufactured Brand High Yield Black CF226X toner cartridges are not manufactured by HP; however, it offers a quality premium USA remanufactured replacement at a great value. The CF226X premium USA remanufactured page yield will meet or exceed a new OEM cartridges page yield. Our premium USA remanufactured cartridges reuse high quality parts from Original Brand cartridge empties reducing landfill waste and we also offer various ways to recycle your used premium USA remanufactured HP toner.
You will be supporting local manufacturing jobs while saving up to 50% off the cost of a new OEM Cartridge when purchasing our Premium USA Remanufactured Brand High Yield Black CF226X toner cartridge.
Warranty Information The Premium USA Remanufactured Brand High Yield Black CF226X toner cartridge is backed by our 2-year satisfaction guarantee.
Your right to buy and use alternative printer ink cartridges is protected by the US Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (Public Law 93-637) is a U.S. Federal law that states warrantors cannot require that only brand name parts be used with any product. Printer manufactures will claim that by purchasing aftermarket products it will void your printers warranty. However, buying premium remanufactured toner cartridges will never void your printers warranty per this law.
Shipping InformationWe ship from multiple locations all over the US. Most shipments arrive within 1-2 business days of placing an order. We also offer expediated shipping options, including next day air. All Expediated shipping orders must be placed by 12:00pm Arizona Time to arrive next day.
Please click below for related items that work in the HP M402,M402dn,M402n,M402d,M402dw,M426,M426dw,M426fdw,M426fdn Printers
Replaces: CF226X,26X
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